
Here is a list of my journal publications in latest-to-oldest order. Links are directly to PDF whenever possible, or to a landing page related to the paper. Direct PDF links are noted as such.

Recent publications

H. Barreiro, S. Sinclair, and M. A. Otaduy. “Path Routing Optimization for STM Ultrasound Rendering.” In Transactions on Haptics, 13.1 (2020), pp. 45–51.

H. Barreiro, S. Sinclair, and M. A. Otaduy. “Ultrasound Rendering of Tactile Interaction with Fluids.” In Proc. World Haptics Conference, pp. 521–526. IEEE, 2019.

S. Sinclair, “Sounderfeit: cloning a physical model using a conditional adversarial autoencoder,” in Revista Música Hodie, 18.1 (2018), pp. 44–60. (Extended version of the corresponding conference paper selected for open access publication. Note: the ArXiv version is identical except for corrected equations and formatting wrt the pdf produced by the journal.)

S. Sinclair, “Sounderfeit: cloning a physical model with conditional adversarial autoencoders,” in Proc. Brazilian Symp. on Comp. Music, SBC, 2017.

Journal publications

S. Bochereau, S. Sinclair, and V. Hayward, “Perceptual constancy in the reproduction of virtual tactile textures with surface displays,” (pdf) ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 15, no. 2 (2018): 10.

J. Malloch, S. Sinclair, and M. M. Wanderley, “Generalized multi-instance control mapping for interactive media systems,” IEEE Multimedia, Jan. 2018. IEEE MultiMedia 25, no. 1 (2018): 39–50.

C. Pacchierotti, S. Sinclair, M. Solazzi, A. Frisoli, V. Hayward, and D. Prattichizzo, “Wearable haptic systems for the fingertip and the hand: taxonomy, review, and perspectives,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017.

J. Malloch, S. Sinclair, and M. M. Wanderley, “Distributed tools for interactive design of heterogeneous signal networks,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 74, no. 15, pp. 5683–5707, 2015.

S. Sinclair, M. M. Wanderley, and V. Hayward, “Velocity estimation algorithms for audio-haptic simulations involving stick-slip,” (pdf) Tran. Haptics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 533–544, 2014.

S. Sinclair and M. M. Wanderley, “A run-time programmable simulator to enable multi-modal interaction with rigid-body systems,” (pdf) Interacting with Computers, vol. 21, no. 1-2, pp. 54–63, 2008.

Some bonus conference publications:

X. Pestova, E. Donald, H. Hindman, J. Malloch, M. T. Marshall, F. Rocha, S. Sinclair, D. A. Stewart, M. M. Wanderley, and S. Ferguson, “The CIRMMT/McGill digital orchestra project,” (pdf) in Proc. ICMC, 2009.